This is where i hope i can reveal my innermost thoughts, and receive comments.. Together, we will make this world a better place, one bite at a time...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Utada Hikaru - Sakura Drops
This is a lovely song by Utada Hikaru..the best thing about this video is that it has the lyrics so u can sing your heart out...and the translation so you know what u are belting out.
i first feel in love with this song while I was in Uni...loved the video clip, loved the singer...carefully read and understand the is all about love..written with full of emotion, and the writer's take on love.
Love is subjective, with many quote Siti in Siti di Alam fantasy ..
Sentiasa hidup berkasih sayang...sepanjang hayat akan dikenang..
wise words, Siti...wise words..
Monday, December 27, 2010
Wanna Be on Top??

What is it about America's Next Top Model that appreals to me? Is it the ever gorgeous Nigel Barker, smouldering eyes...mysterious smile and to die for body??
Or is it the beautiful Tyra Banks, who embodies the exotic beauty and gives a chance to girls all over the world to chase their dreams?

Well whatever it is...i'm hooked with this show. the drama, the makeup..the creative just gets me excited.
I love Mr Jay Manuel, and I don't care what they say about his sexuality, he just rocks... he is kind and really understand how to deal with the girls.
So now i'm currently lapping up Cycle 15...with my favourte is Liz...a punch rock beauty with eyes that just bore to your soul..
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My Eyes, Heart and Mind Are Open!
If we just look bright to see the signs
Such a perfect order
To push it all aside

He has the looks and he has the brains, having a degree in Aeronautical Engineering..Really..he can engineer me anyway he wants...hahaha

He said he had a void in his soul and it was only filled after he embraced Islam. Another thing we have in i see a connection here ( my dreams..) Next week, I will be busy setting my new years resolutions...some new, some are those i have yet to achieve in 2010.
So hopefully 2011 will be a better year for me...and who knows...i get to meet Maher Zain :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
We Are Green and Clean People

We had to cross over to Taman Negara by excitement was less than 5 minutes..
I had been here once with the JPA team, but this time we had the comforts of staying in a chalet and not in wet tents like my previous trip. But both trips are special in their own way.
This is a picture of me and my roomie, Radiah in front of our "home" for the next 3 days. As you can see, it is made with wood (my favourite building material) and i very cosy inside.
Please note we are wearing the official t-shirt, we were given two, one white and one black...yin and yang if you please..
The first night we were there...we were kind of sticking to the same crowd, no ice breaking session, but then we were too tired to mingle anyway. But not too tired to go night was raining, but we didnt let that dampen our spirits. We even got to see a couple of adult sambar deer and their young, eating from a distance.
The next day was more exciting..the whole crew went for the canopy walk, but i had other plans. I went to check out the canopy walk that was under repairs. Thanks to MOTOUR for giving us the money :) More please for RMK-10 ya??
So this is the completed canopy walk, and it will be open in December, so as I'm writing this blog, the canopy will have received its visitors.
The next plan, is to build tracks that are durable to withstand the elements. It will definately be a better way to walk and enjoy the forest, without worrying to accidentally kick stray roots and end up flat on your face.
In the evening, we had the chance to visit the Orang Asli settlement, from the Bateq tribe. There we learnt how they lived with minimal necessities, no electricity, no pipe toilet!! I won't last a day there, that's for sure. Give me civilization anytime!
But the fun part was the boat ride, we had a load of fun. it was like a mini war field! our boats were constantly trying to splash other boats, so it was a rather fun and wet day. So you have to understand why there are no pictures...our cameras were kept in plastic to keep from getting them wet...and when I say wet...I mean we were really WET!
So this is a picture of the savage jungle warriors of Taman Negara, complete with face paint...there goes my make-up..That night, we had the barbeque, where we were entertained by PERHILITAN's band. We were dancing and having fun like there's no tomorrow...we even had the chance to dance the sewang! There was this rather interesting game named "Bertunang, Berkahwin dan Berpisah". Somehow I wasn't too happy with the game, but that will remain as Radiah's and my secret. Oh, did I mention that I was now looking forward to watching our Red Guy? Haha...I managed to get his name during our game the afternoon before.
Speaking of the games, that was when we really bonded. MOTOUR's team ganged up with the Mix team, so there is where you can see the hidden talent of Reefa as a netball player. But our team was really good! We had a good lineup, Reefa as the GA, Hizal as the GS, Royden was WA, Radiah (GK) and me as the GD. And our Centre was a whole thing already! Apart from netball, we also played volleyball and croquet.
Back to the barbeque. So I had to represent my table for the sumpit game, and guess what! I hit bulls-eye!! I was really aiming at someone..haha..another secret that i will only tell after...well that's a secret as well...sorryNow this blog won't be complete without pictures of me with the radio presenters. it is sooo cool to finally see the faces behind the voices!
This is a picture of me with the lovely Natalie-
The very cute gentleman with the thumbs up is Zak of Lite fm and the dashing gentleman with the peace sign is the famous Jamal Jamaluddin.
I'm taking this chance to say thank you to these wonderful individuals that have made my day, especially Zak who I listen to every weekday mornings on my way to work.
As promised, i listen to Abang Jamal's show and I have to say, his selection of songs bring me back to a younger, carefree days of my youth, where were no problems, no worries..just happy sun shiny days.

This is our farewell picture. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my counter parts in MOTOUR, Cik Norsiah, Cik Iza and Cik guys rock! And here's to more boot camps.
So all in all...this was a great experience for me, getting to know a whole lot of people, so I dont get stuck with meeting with the same people all over again. I made fond memories, new friends, bonded with my MOTOUR buddies, get to "rasmi" the completed canopy project.
So MOTOUR, if there are more boot camps, count me in!
Missing Merapoh
What struck me as most interesting was the EERace. It targetted school teachers from sabah, and is another version of the Amazing Race. I was thinking, maybe we can organize one with the media. It will be much more intersting than a regular walk in the park that we were used to organizing..
Here we are at the Taman Negara Landmark, after the discussions we decided to cool off our burnt brains with a photo shoot.. (haha...we models use this term a lot).
There were many great spots, but the best would be on the steel bridge that separates the centre and the actual Taman Negara.
Taman Negara Merapoh is a serene hang-out, with no frills unlike her counterpart Taman Negara Kuala Tahan. She has no canopy walkways, but there is still plenty to do, especially if you are an adventure lover like me.
Unfortunately, we did not get a close encounter with the tiger, but then we managed to see some elephant poo, a sure sign that these gentle creatures are nearby.
The next morning, we headed out to the Kelah Sanctuary to play with the Mahseer, feed them, swim with them..they were friendly lot, i guess they are used to humans by now.
The journey it self was quite a a roller coaster, only scarier...the vehicle went really fast...and we did not have any safety harness on, just strong hands clinging on dear life and nerves of steel to keep our hearts from jumping out.
To all participants and the awesome people from PERHILITAN, we thank you for making the MyCEPA workshop a success. It was a pleasure to get to meet u guys, and I made afew new friends. Till we meet again...this is Ina, signing off...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A true Legend

Friday, December 10, 2010
The Unthinkable

Ngangkung, surprisingly, is a good movie to watch. It is hilarious, especially Angah of Raja Lawak fame, he cracks me up!The story revolves the lives of three friends, who wants to have it all the easy way.. So what do they do? They engage in bomoh's to show 'em the money!
Needless to say, as the wise has claimed - Easy Come, Easy obtained not through halal ways is not berkat, so the three find out.
The ending was a let down though...hafiz and I thought it could have been better, but instead it was rather cliche and anti-climatic.
Overall, i give the movie 3 and a half stars..which is the most i've given to a malay movie..KL Menjerit and the other crap that Yusof Haslam's son directs won't get a single star from me.
So Ngangkung deserves to be in my Good Malay Movies list...right after P.Ramlee's movies, Cinta, Pisau Cukur and Layar Lara..
Till the next movie...i'm signing off...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Nature's Defence Against Tsunami
More often than not, mangrove trees are not appreciated as they should have. Mangroves are important as they act as a natural shield, protecting our fair shores from the big bad waves. Mangroves are also the perfect habitat and breeding ground for marine prawns and a multitude of fishes. Migratory birds look to the mangroves as a resting place, a 4-star hotel, if you please.
And that is about living mangrove trees. Mangrove wood can be turned into charcoal and fuel, the wood can be turned into fish traps, scaffolding and other building materials.
One of our more famous sites is at Sungai Haji Dorani, using alternative techniques rather that the conventional stick-it-in-the-mud method of planting.
If you have the chance to actually go there, you will be able to see for yourself, the research done by FRIM in order to overcome the obstacles faced by JPSM in planting the mangrove trees. As the RMK-9 draws ner, here's to the hope that this noble project will be able to continue in efforts to protect our shoreline.
May 26 December 2004 be a painful reminder that only nature can fight nature...let us learn from our mistakes and move on...
Friday, December 3, 2010
A Tangled Tale Indeed

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
An Elephant's Tale (Or Trunk for That Matter)
This centre was established by PERHILITAN in 1989, which serves as a base for relocation of elephants that have been caught in the wild. Here, they are trained to adapt to human activities, and are given good treatment.
Now it hosts 21 elephants, ranging from 1 year old elephants (that's tapis) and Mala (she's 72 years old!). Upgrading works are being done in order to fascilitate their growing numbers as well as to give the extra comfort for visitors to the centre.
This centre is a mere 2 hours drive from KL (ok, 1 and a half hours if u r an F1 driver like yours truly). You can never get this chance to be up close and personal with the elephants, and the best part is- IT'S FREE!!
There are two shows daily, one starts at 10 am and the other at 2 pm. You are able to feed the elephants, touch them, ride them (only for the first 120 people) and of course, the highl
Now this old soul that im holding its trunk is Mala, our longest resident, she is 72 years old, but fit as ever! One eye doesnt see so well, but apart from that, she's good and healthy.
The discolouration on her skin is result of old our uban, if you will. Elephants love banana trunks, they love the inside part...its a thrill to see them squish the trunks and get the centre part with their trunks...adorable!
So who do you thank for doing all this? The team from PERHILITAN of course, especially the dedicated team in Kuala Gandah. It is an actual fact that elephants are jealous so they have to the same trainer taking care of them...i would not want to be in the way of a jealous elephant *shudder*.
To the Kuala Gandah team, keep up the good work. For those who are interested to help the centre and the elephants, kindly make donations which will be used for the upkeep of the centre and its inhabitants. No amount is too small.