The lovely Kak Hanizah gave this to me..
In a nutshell, 2008 for me was a year of changes..
From Finance to ICT Management
From timid to ruthless
From weak to strong
But one thing that still remains is...IM STILL FAT!
For 2009..this is what i plan to do..
1) To be more IT savvy, and not to shy away from new things...I should embrace change!
2) To read more current events and non-fiction, i need to keep up to date with the world around me..i'm old enough to understand that ignoring the truth does not change it
3) To have a body even Beyonce would envy..so im hitting the gym and pool for the much needed exercise, not eating rice, eating small portions..and of course, not sleeping after meals..(Im notorious for that)
4) To open my heart and appreciate those who love me..sometimes the right person has been staring at you in the face for so long, and yet i have yet to see him..but i think im getting there..please doa for me..IAK..Im totally in love with you..
so now to the questions....BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM..
1). What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before? -
I no longer have credit cards..i live a credit free life..
I left my old Department
I bought an expensive handphone
2) Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I managed to fulfill all my resolutions except for the pretty body part...kakaka
so im bringing it forward..GUYS, HELP ME PLEASE
3) Did anyone close to you give birth?
So many babies..yet none of my own..hohum..
4) Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully no..
5) What countries did you visit?
I went to Jakarta and Bandung..the former..unless the government is paying me, most unlikely to go back...but Bandung..anytime..
6) What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
My significant other by my side..
7) What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
20 May 2008..i report for duty at my current position..
8) What was your biggest personal achievement of the year?
I reached my reading target of a book a week
9) What was your biggest failure?
Unable to stay with my team in my previous department...i let them down just by leaving..(tears are forming already)
10) Did you suffer illness or injury?
i hurt my back a lot, but thankfully its better now
11) What was the best thing you bought?
Exie...Sony Ericksson Xperia
Hmm..of course..my first asset ever...Johnny...that's my Red MYVI
12) Whose behavior merited celebration?
My choir group for being so patient with me, and sang like angels... I LOVE YOU!
13) Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
All the polluters...God help you when i become the KSU..
14) Where did most of your money go?
Clothes and shoes..
15) What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Facebook! Its God's gift..I found my ancient friends...
16) What song will always remind you of 2008?
Stand by Rascal Flatts
17) Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? There's no use getting sad...sounds cliched..but its true!
b) thinner or fatter? But im going to reach my goal..or die trying
c) richer or poorer? Money wise..not so much..but im richer with my wealth of friends and knowledge
18) What do you wish you'd done more of?
Spend more time with my family and friends...2008 was WORK, WORK, WORK!
19) What do you wish you'd done less of?
Sleep...i miss out while im in Snoozeland
20) Did you fall in love in 2008?
No...God save it for 2009...*blush*
21) What was your favorite TV program?
CSI !!!
22) Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No...hate is a cousin of love...if i hate them oo much..ill end up loving them..
23) What was the best book you read?
The World Is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman...read it to understand the world better
24) What was your greatest musical discovery?
Keisha Cole
25) What did you want and get?
My Johnny
26) What did you want and not get?
27) What was your favorite film of this year?
Kung Fu Panda! The fact is I look like Po!
28) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I hit the big 30...and i went clubbing for the first and last time..
29) What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Slapping the short guy for thinking that just because your the boss, does not mean ur right, BOZO!
30) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
More open to new fashion...no jeans..but more slacks, skirts and palazzos
31) What kept you sane?
My renewed faith in Allah swt..i would have jumped out the window if i hadnt..
Now for the wishes :
To my old working family... Asyari, Jashida, CC Maryam, Nurul Amalina, Rohani, Faisal, Murni and da Gang.. I love working with you guys...thank you for your faith in me, ur trust, and most of all ur strength that kept me going everyday
To my new family...
Siti Hanizah, Ady Hazman, the PS team..thank you for showing me a new world of multimedia...I am totally hooked and in love..
Hanafe, Umi, CC Hazizah, Syazlina, Nurul and Nazrul...lets make it better ok?
KTO Team, mainly to the lovely Nasreen, thank you for training me from scratch..and patience that would make Dalai Lama and Gandhi humbled..
My lovely friends : Farah, Idayu, Raihana, Nanie, Julie, Yantie...u guys are real women, true heroines in this world
My Posse : Bolan and Daemon, Wan Siti Zubaidah and Esmainura, Nurul Adu n Toha, Balqis..
No one can ask for better friends than you
My comrades : Intan Shafini, Munirah, Kalai and Azean..u rock my working world!!
To my former KSU : u are my Hero, thank you for your faith in me..I couldnt have grown without you
To my family : No words..no wealth..nothing can repay my gratitude for your existence..
Is : Thank you for being the light in my life..your smiles, your laugh...thank you for just being You...
Last Year's Motto : No one will manufacture a lock without a key
God will not give problems without solutions..
This Year : I must come first...the others can just go to H**l!!
So 2009, expect a leaner and wiser Ina Tisha..
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