I have to say, Im getting addicted over these questionaires..
But it can tell a lot about ur friends..and its fun to do too!
Do it, and then tag me! i'd love to know what's ur take on this..
1. high heels or boots? Heels definately..really sexy
2. what time did you get up this morning? 4.30 am
3.diamonds or pearls -Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
4. what was the last film you saw at the cinema? Beverly Hills Chihuahua
5. what are your favorite TV shows?
CSI (With Grissom, not with Horatio)
6. what is your middle name?
7. what food do you dislike?
Hmm..finding this hard..coz i can never say no to food :)
8.what is your favorite CD at the moment! Ne-yo : The Year of the Gentleman
9. favorite sandwich?
Tuna Mayo
10. what characteristic do you despise?
Baggy slacks and white shirt
12. if you could go anywhere in the world on vacation?
New Zealand!!
13. are you an organized person?
14. where would you like to retire to?
My hometown in Perlis..
15. what was your most recent memorable birthday?
Idayu's birthday..I miss my friends
16. what are you going to do when you finish this?
Publish it and see who is gonna do this as well
17. furthest place you are sending this?
My Blog
18. person you expect to send it back first?
Farah Diba
19. when is your birthday ?
29th March 1978 ( I should tag everyone..kekeke)
20. morning person or a night person? night
21. what is your shoe size? 8
22. any new and exciting news you'd like to share? I am going to Taman Negara in Mac 2009
23. what did you want to be when you were little?
Doctor..now ill get it when i get me PhD
24. what is your favorite flower?
Daisies..coz their the friendliest
25. what is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
29th march of course :)
26. what was the last thing you ate?
27. do you wish on stars?
No..but when i look at them...i'm reminded of someone
28. if you were a crayon, what color would you be?
29. how is the weather right now?
sunny and nice
30. last person you spoke to on the phone?
Kak Honey!
31. favorite soft drink?
Vanilla Coke..
32. favorite restaurant?
33. hair color?
Dark Brown
34. what was your favorite toy as a child?
Magna-oodle...coz i loved to draw!
35. summer or winter? summer..havent known winter yet
36. chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
37. coffee or tea? coffee , definately
38. do you want your friends to email you back?
39. when was the last time you cried?
I think it was on Sunday after watching the news on palestine
40. what is under your bed?
i dont have a bed..i sleep on a mattress
41. what did you do last night?
sleep..to tired after gym
42. what are you afraid of?
Being alone
43. salty or sweet?
44. how many keys on your key ring? 5
45. how many years at your current job? 3 years
46. favorite day of the week? Friday!.
47.Positive or negative? Positives
48. how many people will you send this to?
i dont want to impose on people
49. how many will respond?
not sure
50. do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends?
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