Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in a land not so far away. It was governed by a fair queen, lovely in appearance and in nature. All her subjects loved her, and pledged their allegiance to her.
Unfortunately, one day, the queen's father requested her to rule another country, and she readily accepted, as a good daughter would.. she was confident her subjects would still thrive without her, as they were capable..and she has trained them as would her own children
After the Good Queen left, a dark shadow cast upon the sky...as an evil presence was approaching..and lo and behold..came the Wicked Witch...
As dark as the sorm..and a dark heart to match, she ruled the kingdom..misery for those who crossed her path...the kingdom fell into depression, no laughter when she was around..only sadness and ill will..
Then one day, came a pheasant girl to the kingdom...unaware of the danger that lies in such a peaceful kingdom..she tried to bring joy and happiness to the kingdom, flowers, sunshine and laughter..and soon the kings and queens of other kingdoms began to take notice..
Now, the wicked witch, seeing this unusual attention on her kingdom, began to torture the pheasant girl..she took away the sunshine, killed the flowers..cast a spell to make the pheasant girl mute..but she could not take away the pheasant girl's spirit, which shone even though the hour was dark, her future bleak..
The pheasant girl tried to whether the storm...and all she had was a lovely friends to keep her strong, her prayer as well as her faith to keep her sane..
So, how does the story end???
I cannot foresee the future, my friends..but like the pheasant girl, i refuse to be kicked, nor pushed away..but maintain my happiness, counting my lucky stars that I have this opportunity to be in this kingdom..to meet new friends...and to learn new things..
For that my friends, I am forever grateful for your warmth and kindness..and together..we will rid the Wicked Witch from this kingdom... Amin..
Macam baca cite harry potter lah, siyesssssssss...
ReplyDeleteAyat, perghhhhh terbeliak bijik mata.
Alaaaaa buat la chronicles, mcm narnia tu....
buatla smabungan lagi...nak baca ni..huhuhu.
Anyway, to the pheasant girl, keep it strong. The rest will pray for you, and us.