This is where i hope i can reveal my innermost thoughts, and receive comments.. Together, we will make this world a better place, one bite at a time...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
The Phenomenon We Call Susan Boyle

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Duniaku, TV3

like the gecko if you will..
Monday, December 21, 2009
Kaulah Segalanya

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Runaway Horses

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Bestest Birthday Party Ever!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Did I tell you how much I love Colbie Callait's songs??? This one hits right in the ballpark...I simply love the sincerity of the lyrics...
I think we've all been there...stuck in a dilemma of letting someone you love deeply go, just because you know in your heart of hearts...you were never meant to be..
To let go, or to hold on....what ever it is that you decide, choose wisely, give it much thought...then just let it rip! Live life with no regrets...no what ifs...life is just too short for wishing what could have been...
I love it when you treat the presence of someone's love like drops of rain...somehow it sounds so soothing and cool...soft, pitter-patter of raindrops...splashing on your skin...aaah...the good old days when we used to play in the rain...*bliss*
Thursday, December 10, 2009
My Heart
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
When Love and Friendship Collide

Between love and friendship
Monday, December 7, 2009
Home Cleanup!

We also had fun going to macy's and ikea looking at furniture and furbishing for our new home...kelakar sangat...rumah belum tentu dapat..tapi set sofa da nak tempah! hahahaha
I will update you guys with the latest updates on our new home..hopefully I'll invite you to our housewarming party..
Note : the picture above is my version of my dream bed...hmmm...anyone want to sleep next to me??? :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Missing The Sea
You can always tell there's a government officer around...underwater also want to have meeting..hahaha

There is no words that can convey my feelings of awe when I first hit underwater...the Greatness of Allah..
My Bet with Is
This is a photograph of me..taken by Aidil at the Majlis Perhutanan Negara held 24 November 2009. This was of course, before i was running around ushering the whos-who of Malaysia.
For the record, I got hold of BOTH handphones of Lim Guan Eng, and did not do anything with it, which goes to show how amanah Covernment Officers are :)
Anyhow... I was having tea with my bestie, Iskandar at Secret Recipe in Tanjung Malim...so I told him that I had to continue my struggle with my weight...trying to go down another 10 to 15 kilos...so he gave me three months to do that...katanya nak bagi I benda baek nyer...wrapped of course, so its a secret..hehehe
(Note : Is can wrap himself upand present himself to me, and I'll be one happy girl)
So having said that, I accepted the challenge..will try that with less drama than Biggest Loser Asia..ayooo..such a cheesy show, pale in comparison with the US version..
But of course, he has to agree to a challenge himself..so I said he has to read six books that must be more that 150 pages, 2 fiction, 2 non-fiction and 2 is whatever he chooses...For us booklovers..that is not a problem, since I myself read one book per week...but with Is...he can doze off after reading a few lines...adoila bang..camner nak jadik cultured PTD ni, sayang??
So let the games begin... and insyaAllah..this challenge will make us better people, and grow us closer together...