like the gecko if you will..
As a part of a programme under KPM and PRO Club, we headed out to NSTP and Media Prima Berhad on the 21st of December 2009. A group of 30 officers from different divisions and departments under NRE, we started our programme at 10 oclock, first stop...NSTP
We were then given a briefing and a short Q&A session on the going-ons of a newspaper company, and then proceeded to have a look-see their working place...
Surprisingly, the reporters were a neat lot, unlike of the chaotic picture we had in mind, thanks to watching the telly. Their working place was airy and spacious. I had the chance of getting my face caricatured (is that even a word??) which i now proudly display at my notice board.
NSTP then provided brunch and gave us a mug as a parting gift...we had a blast taking pictures..
Our next destinantion was Media Prima Berhad in Bandar Utama...the real fun begins of course.. We got to see the DJ's of Hotfm, Flyfm and MyOnefm in action, see in person Aliff Satar doing his stint in Choop!!
The high point of the day was watching Izwan doing Berita Terkini, and of course a few of us tried to have a go at news reading..
All in all, the programme was a big success, everyone was happy and got priceless experience to keep in our hearts....
cantik gambar akak yg kat laptop wall ijau tu..creative!