This is a photograph of me..taken by Aidil at the Majlis Perhutanan Negara held 24 November 2009. This was of course, before i was running around ushering the whos-who of Malaysia.
For the record, I got hold of BOTH handphones of Lim Guan Eng, and did not do anything with it, which goes to show how amanah Covernment Officers are :)
Anyhow... I was having tea with my bestie, Iskandar at Secret Recipe in Tanjung I told him that I had to continue my struggle with my weight...trying to go down another 10 to 15 he gave me three months to do that...katanya nak bagi I benda baek nyer...wrapped of course, so its a secret..hehehe
(Note : Is can wrap himself upand present himself to me, and I'll be one happy girl)
So having said that, I accepted the challenge..will try that with less drama than Biggest Loser Asia..ayooo..such a cheesy show, pale in comparison with the US version..
But of course, he has to agree to a challenge I said he has to read six books that must be more that 150 pages, 2 fiction, 2 non-fiction and 2 is whatever he chooses...For us booklovers..that is not a problem, since I myself read one book per week...but with Is...he can doze off after reading a few lines...adoila bang..camner nak jadik cultured PTD ni, sayang??
So let the games begin... and insyaAllah..this challenge will make us better people, and grow us closer together...
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